Why Is It Important To Disinfect Ventilation Ducts?

 Did you know that ventilation ducts must be properly disinfected from time to time? If not done, they can pose a health hazard, as they accumulate all kinds of bacteria and other harmful microorganisms that are transmitted into the air that we then inhale.

As specialists in disinfection, our expert team at Quality Service 360, believe that periodically cleaning the air conditioning ducts is essential to avoid diseases such as allergies, fevers, headaches, or legionellosis, for example. Specifically, the bacteria are of particular concern, since it is very easy to appear and causes serious problems for people's health.

Tips for cleaning vents:

The most appropriate thing is to hire a specialized company to carry out the task of disinfecting the ventilation ducts correctly. Inadequate cleaning in this sense can negatively affect indoor air quality, and the consequences can be serious.

We would be facing a poorly ventilated place, where the air is not properly filtered due to lack of maintenance and cleaning. In addition, the transit of people, activities, or work, the inappropriate use of chemical products, and cross-contamination due to poor ventilation, it implies greater contamination of the place.

Apart from all this, we cannot forget the pollution that comes from outside and accumulates in the room: polluted air that goes outside but re-enters through the air conditioning, boiler gases, etc.

With all this in mind, it is essential to carry out professional maintenance of the ventilation ducts.

At qualityservice360.com, we believe that the need to have good indoor air quality is beyond any doubt, and for this reason, we carry out deep cleaning and disinfection actions on air conditioning ducts, to ensure that the air is completely clean and healthy.

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