What are the warnings indicated by your Dryer Vent and remedies available?

 The dryer vent is likely to get clogged with repeated usage with debris and dirt. But being a novice, you may not notice it and if left alone, will result in fire hazards. This can be dangerous for your whole family. This makes regular Dryer Vent Cleaning important.

What are the signs indicated that shows clogged Dryer Vent?

  • Hot & damp clothes after a cycle.
  • Towels and jeans take more cycles to dry.
  • Windows are noticed to fog up on using the dryer.
  • Dryer gets hotter than usual to touch.
  • Birds can be heard chirping in the vent.
  • With dryer one, external vent does not open.
  • Laundry room experiences lint problem.

What is the remedy?

If you witness any kind of symptom as mentioned above, then simply call up the dryer vent & Air Duct Cleaning professionals. But before doing so, you can take some DIY steps like:

  • Inspect vent from outside to ensure there is no bird nest there or is clogged.
  • After each & every laundry load, clean lint trap.
  • Replace kinked hoses or plastic hoses using metal hoses.
  • Check your dryer condition. Inspect areas surrounding the dryer. Inspection area also should include gas & electrical connections close to the dryer.
  • If you are busy with other things, then simply avoid leaving your dryer in running condition.

You can come across monitors which are likely to make you feel safe when using your dryer. Air pressure within the ventilation system needs to be checked periodically. This will help you to know as to when your vent requires proper cleaning. If you are facing any such problem now or finding some indication, then call up the experienced & talented professionals at qualityservice360.com for immediate solution.

original source of blog; https://qualityservice360.com/what-are-the-warnings-indicated-by-your-dryer-vent-and-remedies-available/

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