It's Spring Cleaning Time, Are you getting your Spring Cleaning To do List Stared? Why not Add Air Duct Cleaning to that list and cut down on dusting chores for the rest of the year!
Spring Cleaning Time means most Homeowners will Have the Gutters Cleaned, the House Painted, or Powerwashed, and even have the House Cleaned from Top to Bottom with a professional Maid Service, remove unused furniture and clutter, and forget about air duct cleaning or do not know enough to clean the Homes Air Ducts's.
Spring Time is here, and that means Pollen, Dust, Dust Mites, Pet Dander, Mold Spores and other airborne contaminants, all come alive, and will be floating around the home more often. Adding Air Duct Cleaning to your Spring Cleaning Checklist can help alleviate, allergy symptoms that these unwelcome elements can bring to your home. If you have allergies, you may be scurrying to find an Air Duct Cleaning Company, to clean your air duct's as a part of your spring cleaning to do list. if you want something to help with your allergies, Allergy Relief is just a call away.
Here are some reasons why you should consider having your air ducts cleaned this spring:
1.) Less Dusting
2.) Less Sneezing
3.) Less Headaches
4.) Less Coughing
5.) New Construction
6.) Moving into New Home
7.) Allergies
8.) Replacing Carpets
9.) Moving into a previously occupied rental
10.) Smoke Odors.
Pollen and Dust can trigger allergy symptoms, and, although not proven scientifically, air duct cleaning may make a difference in your overall health and well being. By Cleaning the Air Ducts in your home and or office, you are removing airborne contaminants, that cause allergies, sneezing, coughing, migraines, headaches and so on. It is Believed that by reducing these Airborne contaminants, from your homes Air Duct's, the end result will be Less Sneezing, Less Headaches, Less Migraines. Sneezing and Coughing only spreads germs, by removing these Air borne Contaminants, from your home or office, you will also spread less germs to your family, friends and co-workers. That means less sick time, and a more healthy life.
Consider having air duct cleaning, When you move into a new home, have a new baby on the way or breathing problems. Air Duct Cleaning is Doctor Recommended, and should be done every 3-5 years.
Most People want to know how to choose a air duct cleaning company, the best thing to do is go online do a search for air duct cleaning and your city, for example use (air duct cleaning) in the search box and choose a company that services your neighborhood, or zipcode, you can find many references from neighbors in your own community, you will find that choosing an air duct cleaner in your local area will give you less stress in the long run, calling a duct cleaning company in your neighborhood can save you major headaches. Getting a Reference from a satisfied neighbor is well worth it.
What Kind of Air Duct Cleaning Equipment Should be used to Clean the Air Duct's in your home, First there are several types of Air Duct Cleaning Equipment,
1.) Portable Air Duct Cleaning Equipment,
2.) Truck or Van Mounted Air Duct Cleaning Equipment,
3.) Air Duct Cleaning Trucks. All of These are Effective at Cleaning Any Type of Air Duct System, it's a matter of preference, on what you want to use, for the most part, The Majority of Air Duct Cleaners use Portable Systems. Portable units work especially well on newer homes, and condo's because you may have to travel up several flights to get to a condo' unit and a truck mount would not be able to get to it. So Apartments and Condo's Owner's can expect Portable Equipment to be used. Now for Air Duct Cleaning Trucks, This is the way to go if you want especially clean air ducts, These Trucks are built for Air Duct Cleaning, Especially if your air duct are extremely dirty.
What should you expect to pay for Air Duct Cleaning?
The Cost of Air Duct Cleaning is recommended professionally at $450.00 for average 2000 sq ft home up to - $1000.00 for larger Homes. Beware of Coupons offering Deep Discounts, and only use coupons from local companies, avoiding coupons offering whole house specials for $29.00 or $88.00 dollar deals can save you from having a major headache dealing with a company that only works during the summer months specials and is out of town the rest of the year. Most Homeowners are unaware that Air Duct Cleaning Problems can pop up 6 months later, when you switch from heat to cooling or cooling to heat, why use a company that is only in business during the summer.
Air Duct Cleaning Bonus #1
Did you just have your air duct's cleaned, or considering having air duct cleaning in your home. If you have Allergies and a lot of Dust in your home, you probably have dust mites, dust mites can wreck havoc on your sinuses, replacing your pillows and Bedding at this time of year can remove millions of these tiny pests, in just a few minutes.
Air Duct Cleaning Bonus #2
Replace your Air Filter Monthly, or every 3 month's. Most Homeowners routinely forget to replace the air filters in the furnace, This is a Monthly Chore that should not be forgotten. There are some homeowners who replace the air filter annually, during spring cleaning, if you want to reduce the amount of dust and pollen in your home, replace your air filter monthly or depending upon the quality of the air filter, every 3 months max.
Air Duct Cleaning Bonus #3
Use the Correct Size Air Filter, it is not enough to change the Air Filter Monthly, Some Homeowner's Change the Air Filter Religiously every 30 days only to find out years later that the wrong size filter was used. Having the wrong size air filter is just as bad as not having a filter, the dust just passes right by and back into the home often clogging the coils along the way causing even more problems.
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